201905 Fertility and Fertility Preservation for Patients with Diseases that Previously Precluded Reproduction

Program seeks Council approval for an initiative titled “Fertility and Fertility Preservation for Patients with Diseases that Previously Precluded Reproduction”. Thanks to the advent of new screening protocols and treatment options, children born with serious, debilitating chronic diseases, such as sickle cell anemia, beta thalassemia and cystic fibrosis, are now routinely surviving into adulthood. However, by then their condition and/or the consequences of its treatment have often severely compromised their reproductive health and fertility, which can be a devastating loss. Because this is such a new problem, reproductive health, fertility preservation and fertility treatment options for these patients born with chronic diseases that previously precluded reproduction (CDPPR) are woefully understudied. The purpose of this initiative is to encourage and stimulate research in this new area of reproductive health, fertility and fertility preservation/treatment options in patients born with a serious chronic condition who can now expect to survive into an adulthood and be healthy enough to consider their reproductive health and fertility options.

This proposed concept aligns with the NICHD Vision areas of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease and Reproduction.

This proposed concept aligns with the FIB research priority on new technologies and models for infertility and fertility preservation.

Program Contact

Susan Taymans
Fertility and Infertility Branch (FI)


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