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Know Your Terms

Know Your Terms Infocard for Providers - Tell your colleagues and patients! New gestational age designations have replaced 'term pregnancy.' 'Full term' means 39 weeks to 40 weeks and 6 days. Learn more about the new designations at Graphics: NCMHEP, HHS, NIH, NICHD logos.
Know Your Terms Infocard for Providers (648 x 688)
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Know Your Terms Infocard for Consumers - A doctor tells a pregnant woman: 'You look great and you're now at 37 weeks.' Pregnant woman: 'that means I'm full term, right?' Doctor: 'No. Actually the last few weeks of pregnancy have new names.' Learn more about the new designations at Graphics: NCMHEP, HHS, NIH, NICHD logos.
Know Your Terms Infocard for Consumers (648 x 726)
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Term Talk Infocard for Providers
Term Talk Infocard for Providers (960 x 706)
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