
Visit the following resources for more information on topics around weight and pregnancy.

American College of Nurse Midwives (ACNM)

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)

NICHD Resources

  • Breastfeeding and Breast Milk: This webpage answers common questions about breastfeeding and breast milk and provides resources from additional groups for more information.
  • Diabetes: This webpage defines gestational diabetes and describes how NICHD supports research on this condition.
  • High-Risk Pregnancy: This consumer-friendly webpage defines high-risk pregnancies and answers questions about risk factors, prevention, and treatment.
  • Labor and Delivery: This webpage describes the many aspects of labor and delivery, such as their basic biology, childbirth practices, and management of related problems.
  • Pre-Pregnancy Care and Prenatal Care: This consumer-friendly webpage answers common questions about healthcare before and during pregnancy.
  • Preeclampsia and Eclampsia: This consumer-friendly webpage answers common questions about these conditions.
  • Pregnancy: This consumer-friendly webpage provides general information about pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy Loss: This webpage answers common questions about pregnancy loss related to causes, risks, prevention, and treatment.
  • Preterm Labor and Birth: This webpage provides general information about preterm birth and describes NICHD’s support of research on this topic area.
  • Stillbirth: This webpage provides general information about stillbirth.


Screen shot of the Plus Size Birth website. A pregnant woman holding her abdomen. Plus Size Birth. Are you having a plus size pregnancy or trying to conceive? You’ve found the right place! Includes links that read, "I'm trying to conceive" and "I'm pregnant."

Plus Size Birth external link: A website that promotes positive resources to empower healthy decision-making for plus-size people who are either trying to conceive or currently pregnant. Plus Size Birth provides a supportive online community of plus-size people with personal stories, inspiring images, social media, and practical information.

Understanding Obesity Stigma Brochure cover.

Understanding Obesity Stigma external link: A brochure developed by the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) external link that describes the various forms of weight stigma and ways to address it. The OAC is a national member organization committed to supporting people with obesity through advocacy, education, and by reframing the conversations about weight and its impact on health.

A globe in the shape of an apple. Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, Yale University.

Weight Bias in Health Care external link: A video created by the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at the University of Connecticut external link to increase awareness of bias and stigma toward plus-size patients and offer strategies to optimize care. The Rudd Center is a leading research and policy organization dedicated to promoting solutions to childhood obesity, poor diet, and weight bias.