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Important news for parents-to-be: Definitions of term pregnancy have changed. Key steps in a baby's development occur at 37 and 38 weeks. Babies born before 39 weeks—now called full term—are at increased risk for health problems. Learn more by visiting #KnowFullTerm

The meaning of term pregnancy has changed to protect baby's health. Term now includes early term, full term, and late term. Learn why this is important for mom and baby, and SHARE to let others know. #KnowFullTerm

In pregnancy, full term now begins at 39 weeks. Delivery before 39 weeks may increase the risk of health issues for baby. Know Your Terms by visiting, and SHARE with the moms and dads you know. #KnowFullTerm


To protect baby's health, the gestational age designations "early term," "full term," and "late term" have replaced "term pregnancy." Help your patients understand these new designations with a FREE poster and materials: #KnowFullTerm

Do your patients know the optimal time to deliver? Use these FREE materials to help explain why 39 weeks to 40 weeks and 6 days is now considered full term: #KnowFullTerm