The Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children (ACHDNC) issues a Recommended Universal Screening Panel (RUSP) that identifies a number of core conditions—those for which screening is highly recommended—and secondary conditions, for which screening is optional. As of November 2016, the RUSP included 34 core conditions and 26 secondary conditions.
The committee’s recommendations are based on the Newborn Screening: Towards a Uniform Screening Panel and System (PDF - 975 KB) and on current research evidence, which means that the number of core and secondary conditions may change. Visit the committee’s website for the latest listing of core and secondary conditions.
A complete list of the conditions screened for in each state can be found at Baby’s First Test and Baby’s First Test en Español .
What are some examples of newborn screening successes?
Many conditions included in today's U.S. newborn screening programs no longer cause serious disability or illness because they are detected early and treated immediately—but they once did. The three examples that follow are conditions that cause serious developmental and intellectual disabilities, or death, if they are not detected and treated early. Successful newborn screening for these conditions and follow-up treatment means that babies who might have died or needed specialized long-term care, can now grow into healthy adulthood.